100% Authentic Work At Home Business Testimonials From Real People!
"What happened to instigate this dramatic, life-enhancing change? The turning point was when I bought SBI. From there, my options were limitless, and everything changed."
~ Marney Makridakis
Artella Words And Art
Case Studies E-Goods
"Because my online business runs virtually on automatic pilot these days, I will have the freedom to travel to Japan this December to visit my daughter who is teaching high school there. Since my products are downloadable, maintaining my business and dealing with any customer service issues from Japan will be a simple matter of checking my e-mail accounts via the Net once a day.
Life just gets better each day."
~ Shaun Fawcett
Case Studies E-Goods
"When you join SBI!, it is like having your own board of professional consultants that stay up to date in this confusing and ever changing online world. That way you can concentrate on buiding a successful website and get back to your real life."
~ Luisa Cupeles
Case Studies Travel
"I took my time with the brainstorming, eliminating several ideas. After working through the Action Guide, with several ideas, the idea of a juggling site became obvious. My favorite hobby, juggling, was a niche that I knew! And the e-com ideas kept coming, the e-books and other e-commerce ideas. I now sell so many different juggling products, and even have my two e-books ready to go soon."
~ Jim Nelson
JuggleNow.com, ParrotsNow.com
Case Studies Hard Goods
"I even checked out respected "web gurus", Ralph Wilson and Jim Daniels, who both gave SBI top marks. I had nothing to lose (SBI has a money back guarantee) and everything to gain. Little did I know at that point that we were about to set out on one of the most exciting, bizarre years of our lives."
~ Fiona McCardle/Jim Andrew
Rent a Villa in Tuscany
Case Studies Lead Generation
"One step at a time, I'll build Sonomahealth.com far bigger than my first effort. And you know what... I could do this in any number of industries. There is simply no reason for me, or any other reasonably ambitious person who wants to own their own life, to work a 9-to-5 anymore. I know because we've done it with SBI... twice!"
~ Jerry Mack
Case Studies Leads
"Building a web site with Solo Build It! is ridiculously easy. Solo Build It! takes care everything and lets you focus on great content to make your site sell. Trust me, writing good content is a big enough job without all the added hassles of worrying about technical issues on the Internet."
~ Allan Gardyne
Rupert's SBI! Experiment
Case Studies Affiliates
"My photography website is producing so much work offline it is stopping me from building more sites (which is what I want to do). I have started another which is also starting to take off, and now "work is really getting in the way of work." The beauty about everything I am currently doing, and plan to do for the next few years, is that my efforts will create passive and residual income. I am creating a pension that I can actually pass down to my kids. How many people have one of those?"
~ Nick Stubbs
Case Studies Services
"I now have a business that I can grow over the years. A business that is fun. I'll never do a 9 to 5. I'll always own my own life. That, more than money, more than learning about the Web, more than anguilla-beaches, more than learning how to write well, that is the most important thing I've learned from SBI!. Own your own life. If you don't, what's the point?"
~ Nori Evoy
Case Studies Finders
"Frankly, I don't know much about online systems and technology but I do know about Audio, Video and Home Theater, and the Solo Build It! system let me focus on what I know best -- my business. I have been able to create a professional web site that gets significant traffic that provides us with qualified leads that convert into Axiom Audio sales which have an average value of over $800 per sale."
~ Alan Lofft
Axiom Audio
Case Studies E- Commerce
"I treat network marketing like a "real" business. You cannot thrive on a system that requires enrolling only eight customers, all of whom are family and friends. As I watch my traffic, leads, retail sales and enrollments increase, I am convinced that there is no better way to build a network marketing lead generation source that brings in the kind of quality leads you would pay a fortune for anywhere else."
~ James Beane
Case Studies MLM
"I have also been approached by Microsoft for a nomination to recognize my "contribution" to the Microsoft online community! (only a nomination at this stage...) It is called the MVP (Most Valued Professional) award and there is no way I could have got this recommendation from my "peers" so soon, if I had NOT been using SBI!."
~ Marc Liron
Case Studies Professionals
"Thank you again for all you have done to develop Solo Build It. It has made a tremendous difference in my life. I have a hand-built site, costing almost nothing, and making $10,000 MORE per MONTH."
~ Dr. John Burch DDS
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