Day 5 - How To Refine Home Business Opportunities
Let's do a little recap about home business opportunities as we have had much information over the last days and we do not want to fall victim to TMI (To Much Information). The process of building home business opportunities is not complicated but may be confusing when first starting.
We simply want to develop a site concept that can make us an income through our model of CONTENT = TRAFFIC and PRESELLING TRAFFIC = INCOME. So we are developing a site concept that is focused on highly profitable keywords which we find using our keyword tool in our web site manager section of Solo Build It!. We have come up with three concepts that we feel comfortable with and have researched the keywords to make sure each concept has profitability and are topics which we can build the best content around. We looked to see if the concepts are to broad or two narrow and also took notes next to each keyword in our managers tools on the sites that are great for helping develop content and themes as well as quality merchants which we can join affiliate programs for in order to monetize the site and draw income for our home business opportunities.
Once we have all these factors in place we are ready to get into the meat of starting our work from home business opportunities so lets get rolling...
First, we want to refine our site concept as the initial days were a time for learning and getting the imagination going. Now we are ready to actually set our concept in stone so we can move forward. Make sure your site concept is not to broad so that you are once again going to have TMI (To Much Information) and get lost in directions to lead your site. Make sure your site also has room to broaden and branch out so that you do not corner yourself into a web site that cannot continue to grow over time. Solo Build It! does this automatically as you work through all the tools and you can see the processes live in action from a video tutorial here: Home Business Opportunities Video Tutorial!
Starting with to broad a concept such as "fishing" will be to much, you will have to many keywords to keep focus on properly. Fishing is a nice broad concept though, so perhaps start with "fly fishing" or "fresh water fishing" or "fishing lures" and once you cover that concept, then branch out your site concept into one of the other areas and create a new section sticking with the theme. Eventually you will have sections of your site covering topics such as "fly fishing" , "fresh water fishing" and "fishing lures" and can broaden even further as you get ideas for the home business opportunities. As cliche as it sounds a walk of a thousand miles does begin with one single step.
A Few Other Things To Keep In Mind
Make sure you know about what you are writing on and be passionate about it. If you have little time to invest in your work from home business, go as narrow as possible for the beginning until you have the time to really broaden the site.
Always remember to look at the supply site information for the keywords in your list. These will be a list of other sites using the same keywords you are interested in and you will be able to get great ideas for content for your web site from them.
Make sure your concept has enough quality partners and affiliate programs to be able to draw income. Keep your eyes on the prize! It may seem like a great idea to go for keywords that have a ton of demand, but you will likely not get good positions in the search engines. Use the best keywords for your niche and stay away from the broad keywords. Fishing will be tough to rank for, but Northeast fresh water fishing will much easier.
Keep your site just narrow enough for plenty of keywords to be profitable and open enough to be broadened over time. Do not trap yourself with a tight concept such as "1977 fishing lures of Montana" but do not go to broad with "fishing".
Next we will look at what we need to pick out some winning domain names for our home business opportunities. There are a few key concepts to developing a wining domain name and we want to make sure we do this part correctly because once you market the domain name you cannot take it back.
The domain name is simply the address.
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