Brainstorming Profitable Topics For A Stay At Home Work Opportunity
In order to create and grow great stay at home work opportunity you have to continue to add new content, not just any content but putting all attention on the most profitable content for the business. Profitable topics for new pages and content of a site is easily discovered through researching and examining keywords as well as competition.
The importance of using keywords to write content to is vital for building the most traffic to a site and also keeping the traffic as targeted to the theme of the business and individual pages. A stay at home work opportunity with a web site requires always finding profitable keywords to create profitable web pages around. It all starts with a keyword research tool which at the very least shows all the keywords being used and also the number of searches for each, this makes it easy to see what keyword's web users are using the most to find information.
If you are running a web site that has a theme of say comic books then you would use the keyword tool to locate every single possible keyword that would bring in visitors who enjoy comic books. So you would type into the keyword tool every possible search phrase around comic books by starting with the broadest or general one such as well, comic books. The keyword software will handle the rest by delivering every sing phrase the person has typed into the search engines that have the root of comic books in it, so the returned results will look like something like comic books for sale, comic book web sites, online comic book store, best comic books, hard to find comic books and so on. Every single keyword used by web surfers will be revealed along with the number of times per month each was used in the search engines.
It becomes clear what great information this provides for any stay at home work opportunity, it is showing the real demand for keywords and that allows for a business to find the most profitable keywords for creating web pages around. Another important point though is not to stop with just the main root such as comic books, make sure to use any other root phrases that relate to comic books such as synonyms and so forth, any words you can think of people may be using that would have an interest in the theme of the web site.
What this research does are allows you to keep all the work for the business in the right direction, it makes no sense to be working on low profit or no profit web pages and be adding them to the site. Adding web pages take a lot of work and must be done right in order to convert sales and to spend no time researching keywords to know what to focus on would mean shooting in the dark, if you do not know the keywords people are using to find web sites with pages they want then odds of getting the traffic is slim to none. On the other hand, if you look at the keywords and put the work into the most profitable ones based on the numbers of searches that are being done for them, you have the chance to get some of those numbers coming into your site. Why would you build a web page and its content on a keyword that only gets one or two searches per month when another keyword may be getting two thousand a month, it is the same amount of work with much different results.
Great content must be added to any stay at home work opportunity with a web site, without great content a business will not get very far. Great content is not enough though and there are many factors that make a web page profitable such as if visitors like the content and if the content can make them want to purchase but creating profitable web pages has to start with getting visitors into the site first. A web site business without visitors is not a business and the best way to get visitors is to focus on creating great content around the best and most profitable keywords. Check out the full Stay At Home Work Opportunity video tour.
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