A Real Work At Home Internet Business Started In 10 Days!

Day 6 So far we have prepared for our work at home Internet business for online marketing, now it is time to build it! In the manager section of the hosting software, there is a great tool called the "Master Keyword List" and this is where you will keep all your keyword phrases for your site in order to build great quality content each day around them. During this "going live" period you will be receiving emails from the web site host walking you through everything such as registering the domain name. This is all very easy, takes minutes and is the perfect work at home Internet business.
Day 7 This day you will create some pages for your new web site and focus them around your most profitable keywords you have found through the research tools. There is no experience needed for any of this. Simply take a few keyword phrases and write about 300 to 500 word article around them keeping in mind what affiliate link you are trying to place for visitors to click on and for you to get a sale.
Each new page of content is automatically submitted to the search engines by SBI! and then tracked to tell you that they have been spidered (the search engines have come and looked at them), how they rank in each major search engine and when they got listed in the search engine. This is great because you can monitor everything you do, and you do not have to do anything but build the page, the rest is handled automatically!
This is a process that does not last one day, and it is essential to any work at home Internet business. This process will go on every day you have your site. Maybe not everyday, but I personally add a page of content to my sites almost everyday (about 5 or 6 days), and I do this because search engines LOVE fresh new content. They will come to your site more, and they will consider you a reliable webmaster worthy of top results!
Day 8 On this day we will look at other ways of finding and taking advantage of traffic such as PPC (pay-per-click). This is a good way to get some cheap initial traffic to your site and get some customers. Though it is not free it may be something you want to look at as many webmasters use it, and if you can convert sales from your site it can make you easy money.
Day 9 There is an old saying by online marketers and that is "The Money Is In The List" so creating an online E-Zine that your visitors can subscribe to is a great way to promote your site. They come, like the site, opt into your E-zine, and you can email them your news, site updates and place links to your affiliates right in the email. Think of what having a list of 100,000 visitors who are interested in your site and your affiliates can do for you? Not properly running an E-zine is one of the biggest mistakes webmasters make and with SBI! It handles it all automatically.
Day 10 This is a day to look at how we will analyze our site stats and use the TrafficCenter section of our hosting tools. These are great webmaster tools for traffic analysis, click (in and through) analysis and so on, again all free for the initial hosting fees and are just what you need to run a work at home Internet business as a webmaster.
IMPORTANT Make sure that once you set up your site that you join the SBI! 5 Pillar Affiliate Program and make extra money by promoting SBI! No matter what your site's theme visitors coming in will be impressed with the quality of the site and may want to try starting a web site business as well. You can devote a section of your site telling visitors how SBI! made it possible for you to start your online business, and because they see how great your site is, and you have built trust many visitors will purchase an SBI! Site and get started with their own business, they always wanted to start but never knew how. This means making great money of existing traffic, and they are lifetime commissions!
Once you join the SBI! 5 Pillar Affiliate Program you will have access to all their marketing materials such as videos, testimonials and more to use on your site. Even if you do not want to get overly involved with this affiliate program SBI! gives a simple option in which you click a button on each page you create and at the bottom of the page will be a small advertisement for SBI! So visitors can learn more about how you created the web site, and if they give SBI! You make a lifetime commission for doing nothing more than clicking a button, SBI does the rest to convert sales from your traffic. You will be surprised at how many people will see your site and want to learn more about how to get a web site business started for themselves, and once they read how easy it is with SBI! You will see sales come in and that means even more income from your site!
JOIN THE SBI! 5 Pillar Affiliate Program NOW!
To read more about the SBI! 5 Pillar Affiliate Program and why it is so important to incorporate into any web site you start, check out my information page on the advantages of the affiliate program> Click Here To Learn More!
SummaryReally, the tools you get, I could not and would not live without and the hosting handles every aspect of keeping your site up to date with the search engines so the days of having to manually submit everything are long gone. You just create the content, place it in the template and click a button, everything else is an auto pilot! Which makes the online marketing work at home Internet business effortless! You can check out some video tutorials, tools and samples site of SBI! By clicking here Work At Home Internet Business Through SBI!
That was a glance into the 10 day process so that you can see this is something you can do and requires no special skills, no training and a little knowledge which you will have when you are done with this lesson. Now we will go into each of the days in depth one by one including the "Look and Feel" selector, which has a ton of templates to give your site a professional look and logo in minutes!
Onto the Day 1 Lesson Plan! Click Here

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