Day 6 Continued - A Home Business Income Opportunity Through On-Page Optimization
7) File Name
* Every time we create a new page for our home business income opportunity to be optimized we must add a file name extension onto our domain name. This is the address for our page and we want to include our keyword for the page in our file name.
* The only exception to this rule is with the homepage in which there is no extension because it runs off our domain name. If you followed my rules your keyword for the homepage will already be in your domain name so there is nothing to worry about. What is more important?, A flashy name or getting your page to rank in the search engines. This is why I advised you to place your main keyword of the homepage site concept into the domain name when you registered.
8) Image Alt Tag
* Probably the least important of all the tags we have learned how to optimize, but as of late it is gaining in importance for a home business income opportunity. The search engines have added image searches to their services and now this little tag can get you extra free traffic with little work.
* The Image Alt tag is just a HTML tag used for placing images into a web site page. The tag looks like this < IMG SRC"image url" > and when we add the ATL tag to the original we now have this < IMG SRC="image url" ALT "keyword" >. NOTE: I have placed spaces between the <> so the image does not go live, make sure you do not places any spaces between the <>.
See how we were able to insert our keyword into the tag to describe our photo to the search engines? When a visitor places there mouse over the image the keyword will pop up as well. Make sure to add the "image" after the keyword so that it looks like we are trying to use the ALT tag to keep our home business income opportunity clean and organized and not keyword spamming.
* If you are going to add images to your pages make sure to use the Image Alt tag and make sure to use the keyword for that page alone in the Alt tag.
Your On The Way To Being A Search Engine Optimization Expert! Well you are on your way to becoming a search engine optimization expert and running a profitable home business income opportunity of your own. This may seem like a lot to absorb but it will all become second nature after you get some pages up and running. Just pay attention to the rules until you know what to do for each section when you create a page.
The main point of this is very simple, we want each page of our web site to meet the criteria of the search engine so we can rank well and get that free traffic. Solid search engine ranking is critical to our success so make sure we keep every page of our site optimized to our best standards.
The Solo Build It! makes this very easy and the Analyzer tool will become your best friend. I strongly suggest you take a look at all the great tools available as well take the video tour Home Business Income Opportunity Tools and Video Tour After you Finnish a page you just click on the analyzer button and it will tell you all the sections that are "good" and all the ones that need work. Not only that, the analyzer will also tell you exactly how to fix what needs to be fixed.
These are tools no webmaster should be without and many pay hundreds of dollars for this type of software. If the optimization lesson seems a bit to much for you do not worry, if you use the host I use for my sites you will be fine. We have forums filled with beginners and experts to ask questions and the community is very friendly and helpful.
The Solo Build It! also provides tips and techniques forums, your own personal traffic center to view exactly what is happening with your site as well as the search engines and they also send out a weekly newsletter keeping you on top of the industry. They really do make it very hard to fail with your home business income opportunity.
I am ready for bed and tomorrow we will look at some common questions usually asked before we move onto off-page optimization techniques.
before I leave I wanted you to see a couple things:
Here is a screen shot of the template you will use each time you create a new page for your site. (NOTE: Place the mouse over the image and see the ALT tag in action!)
See how easy it is to go through each step one after the other and fill them in?
Next lets look at the screen of the analyzer result:

See how you just have to correct the mistakes until each area says "good". It sure will be hard to fail at your home business income opportunity with all these tools, and there are many more to come!
Onto the next lesson! Click For Next Lesson
I cannot stress enough how important it is to read the "Affiliate Masters Course", it will teach you everything you need to know to create income online. Download the FREE Book Now!
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